TEMPO | Watch Store | Logo & Brand Identity


"Tempo" is a renowned boutique specializing primarily in the sale of elite men's watches. Their collection is known for its high quality, refined design, and innovative technologies. Watches from this boutique are often distinguished by exquisite craftsmanship and the use of high-quality materials.

Про компанію

"Tempo" - відомий магазин, що спеціалізується насамперед на продажу елітних чоловічих годинників. Їхні колекції відомі своєю високою якістю, вишуканим дизайном та інноваційними технологіями. Годинники з цього магазина часто вирізняються вишуканою майстерністю та використанням високоякісних матеріалів.

Time and precision: Using abstract lines and forms to create a sense of time movement.

Style: Watches are often perceived as accessories that add elegance and style. The logo reflects this aesthetic through the use of lines mixed with modern design.

Simplicity and ease of perception: The logo is simple and easily recognizable, even in small sizes or from a distance.

Abstractness: The logo is abstract and does not have a direct association with watches, but it reflects the core values of the brand, such as quality, durability, and style.

Light Grey: Evokes associations with objectivity, restraint, and seriousness. 

Dark Grey: Conveys a sense of stability, solidity, modernity, and reliability. 

Orange: Enhances feelings of confidence and stimulates activity. It can provide you with energy and confidence in your abilities.

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