an online platform for education and career in creative industries
Choose Desired Learning Paths
Master desired directions: from graphic and UX/UI design to frontend, and even creative entrepreneurship!
Creative Practice in Numbers
98 thousand
student community
86 courses
in 6 directions
27 thousand
certificates earned
5 out of 5 stars
average course rating
Access the Entire Course Library
Constantly improving professional skills and learning new things are crucial for building a successful career.
How Learning is Structured
Most of our courses have both theoretical modules and practical assignments with feedback from reviewers! However, how you learn and what to choose is entirely up to you.
Stories of Our Students
Watch videos and learn about the education and successes of our community from firsthand experiences!

Вікторія Козик

Ірина Михайленко

Валерія Босенко

Андрій Щербінін

Андрій Боженко
Works of Our Students
Our community diligently works on practical assignments both within courses and special formats. Take a look at some of their works:
Join the Learning

One week full access
Unlimited access to all platform features
Indeed, it's a great opportunity!
Enjoy a full week of unrestricted free access to the platform!
Gain full access to dozens of online courses from the CASES library, covering graphic design, web design, UX/UI, frontend, and creative entrepreneurship. Plus, enjoy discounts from our partners and the support of our wonderful community!
Examples of Our Lessons
We meticulously prepare course materials and ensure their quality. We believe lessons should be understandable and explained in simple terms.
Master a Whole Bunch of Tools!
In our library of courses, you can master necessary tools for work, including Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Webflow, Cinema 4D, and many others!