Fintech company website development: key insights for a successful launch

FinTech straddles finance and technology, making a strong digital presence crucial. An effective digital platform is key to promoting and showcasing your products. So your FinTech offerings require a specialized website.

A website often forms the first impression for clients. When potential clients decide to trust you with their money, they need to see your company as dependable.

Insights for the development of a great FinTech website

Here are some key takeaways from our eight years of experience in creating successful FinTech websites.

Heads up, this is just a teaser of our insights. For the full scoop on all 12 essential recommendations, check out the complete article on the Goodface website.

1. The discovery phase: a must-have, not a whim

Discovery is essential—it forms the foundation of the project. This stage helps you deeply understand business goals and user needs, setting benchmarks for success. Since every website requires a unique strategy, the tailored approach developed during the discovery phase can significantly cut costs and effectively target the right audience. You can read more about the discovery phase in our detailed article here.

2. Set up a solid SEO structure

Get your SEO team involved from the start to lay the right foundation. Follow their advice to help your site rank well organically and reduce the need for paid ads. Focus on using the right keywords, improving technical SEO, and optimizing page speed. And don't forget to keep monitoring and updating your site after launch to maintain and boost its visibility.

3. Do a thorough competitor analysis

Identify prevailing market trends, common patterns, typical page elements, and page types that exist on the market. See what works and what doesn't to fine-tune your strategy. This will help you tailor your approach to your specific project.

4. Higlith the company's core products and services

Conduct business analysis. It involves an in-depth look at the services or products you're working with. This includes understanding all relevant details about them and the company behind them. At the same time, do some market research to see how these products or services perform with users and compare them to competitors.

See how this insight appears in a real-life case: Magnetiq Bank project. 

5. Create a user-centric experience

User interviews are super valuable for understanding what users want, expect, and struggle with. These conversations help you craft solutions that really resonate with them and see things from their perspective. Another important part here is user flow.

See how this insight appears in a real-life case: Omni project. 


There's no magic formula for a successful FinTech website, but there are definitely some techniques and tools you'll want to use along the way. First, pinpoint your goals and map out a strategy to achieve them. Understanding the specifics of websites in your industry is crucial too. And hey, don’t hesitate to use the insights from this article based on our years of experience.

Once your website is up and running, don't stop there — set up analytics to track user interactions. See how users navigate your site, identify any obstacles they face, and figure out where they drop off. Keep improving these areas. Your website is a living system that thrives on constant improvement.

Got excited and craving more insights?

No problem. You can find a lot more in the full version on the Goodface website.

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