Subscription based learning
One subscription — dozens of courses
Learn graphic design, web design, UX and UI, frontend, entrepreneurship starting from 500 UAH/month.
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Get access to the entire course library!
Take any of these courses or even multiple courses simultaneously!
How learning works
Most of our courses have both theoretical modules and practical assignments with feedback from reviewers! However, how you learn and what to choose is entirely up to you.
Master a Whole Bunch of Tools!
In the instrumental courses from our library, you can acquire the necessary skills for work.
Student stories
Вікторія Козик
Ірина Михайленко
Валерія Босенко
Андрій Щербінін
Андрій Боженко
Try the subscription features for free!
One week full access
Unlimited access to all platform features
Indeed, it's a great opportunity!
Enjoy a full week of unrestricted free access to the platform!
Gain full access to dozens of online courses from the CASES library, covering graphic design, web design, UX/UI, frontend, and creative entrepreneurship. Plus, enjoy discounts from our partners and the support of our wonderful community!
Choose a comfortable plan
If you want to focus solely on the theory of the courses, activate the subscription for 500 UAH per month. For 1000 UAH per month, get the full program with practical assignments and homework checking!
Theory Only
Theory Only
500 UAH/mo
Monthly payment
- Access to
- Partner discounts
- Test-taking capability
- Homework submission capability
- Homework reviews
- Certificates for practical courses
- Certificates for theoretical courses
- Customer support
Full Access
Full Access
1000 UAH/mo
Monthly payment
- Access to
- Partner discounts
- Test-taking capability
- Homework submission capability
- Homework reviews
- Certificates for practical courses
- Certificates for theoretical courses
- Customer support
for 3 months of studying
for 3 months of studying
2500 1750 UAH
Your discount: 750 UAH
One-time payment
- Access to
- Partner discounts
- Test-taking capability
- Homework reviews
- Homework submission capability
- Certificates for practical courses
- Certificates for theoretical courses
- Customer support
for 6 months of studying
for 6 months of studying
5000 3000 UAH
Your discount: 2000 UAH
One-time payment
- Access to
- Partner discounts
- Test-taking capability
- Homework reviews
- Homework submission capability
- Certificates for practical courses
- Certificates for theoretical courses
- Customer support
for 12 months of studying
for 12 months of studying
10000 5000 UAH
Your discount: 5000 UAH
One-time payment
- Access to
- Partner discounts
- Test-taking capability
- Homework reviews
- Homework submission capability
- Certificates for practical courses
- Certificates for theoretical courses
- Customer support
Theory Only
Theory Only
500 UAH/mo
Monthly payment
Full Access
Full Access
1000 UAH/mo
Monthly payment
for 3 months of studying
for 3 months of studying
2500 1750 UAH
Your discount: 750 UAH
One-time payment
for 6 months of studying
for 6 months of studying
5000 3000 UAH
Your discount: 2000 UAH
One-time payment
for 12 months of studying
for 12 months of studying
10000 5000 UAH
Your discount: 5000 UAH
One-time payment