How to generate half a million UAH in sales using an Instagram filter. Luxoptica, Banda Agency and FFFACE.ME case

Banda Agency and FFFACE.ME developed an Instagram filter for Luxoptica, which motivated young people to have their eyesight tested and generated sales of nearly UAH 500,000.


The Luxoptica brand, the largest chain of opticians in Ukraine, is always interested in engaging a young audience and attracting new paying customers. However, the young audience rarely visits the ophthalmologist for prophylactic examinations because they don't want to spend their free time on it. Therefore, they either don't know about the deterioration of their vision or just get used to not paying attention to it. As a result, more than 50% of Ukrainians have vision problems.

Banda came up with the idea and FFFACE.ME designed the filter that was an activity encouraging people to pay attention to their vision on Instagram, a place where young audiences spend a lot of time showing the greatest engagement.

Instagram filter

FFFACE.ME made a game filter on Instagram where, after playing, the user wins a coupon for a free vision test at Luxoptica. The filter was posted to the brand's Instagram profile and announced in posts on Instagram and Facebook. The user had to open the filter, start recording a video, and blink to jump from level to level to start playing. Which, in fact, was already an exercise for the eyes.

Sales funnel

The key to the success of this case was that we managed to build a sales funnel:

  • Awareness. The person saw the game in the Luxoptica profile or his friends' stories.
  • Interest. The user interaction was built in a light, entertaining way, so users could easily get involved. Moreover, the game itself was also directly connected to the theme - vision.
  • Decision. A coupon for a free vision test was given out as a prize for playing. This didn't cause user rejection but offered value as a coupon.
  • Action. When a person came to a Luxoptica store for a free eye test and then bought a product, thanks to the coupon, they were tagged as a participant in the promo with the filter. This made it possible to measure the conversion rates accurately.


  • 98,000 users saw the Luxoptica branded promotional content on Instagram
  • 7,000 users took part in the promo and created Luxoptica branded content on Instagram
  • 372 clients used the ophthalmologist services in Luxoptica stores
  • 467,786 UAH was earned from customers purchasing products (ROMI — 1530%)


  • Instagram filter can be a powerful tool for generating sales. But for this, in addition to a filter, the consumer needs to be offered more than they expect. The eye test coupons helped Luxoptica generate sales revenue many times higher than the cost of the filter.
  • If you introduce a trap product (an eye test coupon or a site discount), you can measure the audience and its specific actions. For example, generate a unique promotional code and track it when the customer makes a purchase. This way, you can calculate the profit from each activation.
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