Jola Honey Mix
Our agency has developed a simple and memorable brand name "JOLA" which is a derivative from the Ukrainian word [bdzhola] meaning "bee" in English. These days, natural food products often refer to crafting design, ignoring a wide gamut of visual communication techniques. For example, for modern youth such a language has become self-evident, ordinary, and therefore disappearing in the perpetual flow of motley diversity of design.

In this project, we chose to explore a different approach which involves a refined graphic reflection of our time. Bright and unconventional package reveals the very essence of the mouthwatering mixture of honey and various ingredients, while avoiding any literal interpretations and specific images of the components.

In addition to the chosen visual language, a solution of another practical problem is implemented: the product is introduced in three different packages to the benefit of mobility. Such a serving makes the product discernible for a consumer who keeps up with the times. It makes the product unforgettable for a consumer whose nutrition culture is firmly connected with the genuine joy and the experience of true aesthetic pleasure. Together with JOLA we glorify hedonism.